JayLyn Phobiayou denotes -Reneelast night we met up with ying ying + parents, u.billy, u.yew yew and u.ong for tea at Kowloon. when yy came in, you fled to another corner leaving your brother to attend to her. but soon after you heard yy calling sailo -"rayern" you came running by, to correct her. all three of you ran about in the restaurant, climbing on chairs and tables. u.billy had to keep an eye on Reeve as i was seated at the far in corner. yy kept calling Reeve "sailo", holding his hands while you guarded him like a watch dog. your eyes would scan over them wherever they run to. at one point, you held Reeve, brought him away from yy and kept whispering in his ears, i really would like to know what you told your brother...u.johnny noticed that you were not interested to be around yy "kui hoe chi hoe keng ying ying kum keh?" (hmmmmm...if only you knew!!!!)it was not that long until yy "attacked", you were both standing at opposite sides of the steel chair, yy deliberately jerked the chair in anger (u.johhny praised you) and one leg hit your feet. you bursted out in tears, once again, both her parents asked "what happened to you?", babee got up and smacked yy's hands and reprimanded her loudly while yew yew carried you away from the crime scene. u.johnny shook his head and told me that yy is not afraid of anyone or any amount of force. he said "i have given up!" (so have i)at 10pm, we called the night off, i asked you to greet "yew yew" goodnight, but your reply was "DONT WAN to say goodnight to yy". then mami pointed to u.yew yew and say "to this uncle yew yew not ying ying". you looked up and then realised that i was referring to one of your favourite uncles - yew yew. immediately you gave him a kiss, wished him good night and waived your small palm at him. CY chucckled and replied "ying ying phobia already your daughter". at the entrance, u.billy asked me softly - "jo meh" pointing at you. i replied "blog"
mami reached home at 4.30 from work to find Renee napping in yaya's room and Reeve (you) wondering around like a zombie...i picked you up but you still looked tired, "want to sleep somemore Reeve?" you nodded. i wore you the RM10 Chatuchat Levi's jeans and off we went from the house w/o je-je. Didn't want to wake up her up becoz then i will have another grump to attend to apart from myself (have been really grumpy off late due to stress at work and targets). in the car, i kept looking back at you to see if u had dozed off, to my surprise u were humming songs, calling mami, kakak, babeei and pointing at birds, aeroplanes and calling out after they had flown off. i gave you a "bakul siah" to play with, u called it a "bowl", i said "bakul la", u read my lips and followed along "bakul la"..so adorable...reached Belen's at 5.30pm and greeted the hosts and her in-laws. a.desi had caterred for Sand Arts, so thoughtful of her to consider the interest of the taller walking kids. later when Rayern arrived, both you and Rayern hugged one anoher and when a.joanne asked you to kiss her, you did reluctantly, but shy away after that. both the RE couldn't reach the sand bowl to scoop the powder, so we had to help you (enjoying ourselves). you had two rounds of fried rice, beehoon and a considerable amount of jelly. when the clown came, you were scared, so you clawed kakak and said to her "takut". mami brought you close to the clown to get baloons, you looked at him and was ok after that. we sat till Belen cuts her cake and collected your tumbler doorgifts before calling it a night. a.joanne and a.sandy said your jeans was so cute and nice - its probably the smallest Levi's in the world! you kissed a.joanne again before we left and i managed to steel a peck from rayern too (pheeeew)you slept soundly in the car till this morning...(mami made up to je-je by bringing her for dinner and flowering her with the leftover baloons, she didn't miss anything bcoz she didn't even know about it)
crocs with me..
on sunday, we arrived KLCC as early as 12noon to meet up with a.sandy + family. because we were early, so mami decided to bring you to isetan to do a little shopping with our free vouchers. i parked you at the baby CROCS station and chose a pair of CROCS for you but in pink, then babee asked me "later how is reeve going to wear pink ah?" i lifted my head and i saw alex and a.am walking towards us, but sleepy head rayern was pushed another direction so that there is no inteferance. a.am was excited about the CROCS, she said pink is so cute + funky and asked me why had i asked the promoter to bring yellow instead? "have you forgotten about my son -reeve????" i asked. with a foot-in-the-mouth look of not remembering reeve's existence she answered my question with another question to shield those guilt - "by then reeve can still wear meh?"
During Audrey's visit to Melaka last weekend, she had this conversation with Renee in the Sate House. odie: Lauren, see what's that on Renee's shirt...Renee, whats that on your t-shirt?renee: its a lion!odie: why are you wearing a lion?renee: it is a lion nyonya you know???odie: LOL...Renee darling, just because you are in Melaka, it doesn't mean everything is nyonya here ok...LOL..Kids say the darndest thing!
ah kung's 70th bbirthday!!!!
We celebrated ah kung's 70th birthday on Saturday, 15th of April. it started like the first pic and ended like the last pic...fun but hectic, 5000 over kids running about...je-je's battery level was charged so high that it could lasts her till 1am, but unfortunately sailo had one too many to drink, it had drained his energy all out till Sunday evening...(he woke up at 9am on Sunday morning, played til 2pm, slept in the car till 4pm, slept again at 6pm, woke up at 8pm, then sleep again at 10.30pm till this morning 9am!!!)
The "bakul siah" given as doorgifts, filled with dodol.
My little family, Renee was somewhere near u.Billy then..
"Je-je, let me help you with your shoes"
The Yaps' from Yap Kwan Seng(formerly known as the Tangs)
Our beauties - Marcus and Renee
"Mami, look! there are 2 of us!"
Face Off...
ah ku please carry me, i have had one too many!
u.Billy, don't "khau" me la..u oldman!
The dancers and the kids...
Ah Kung and Mah-Mah taking their first dance.
3 generations of pretty people!(ah mi darling when sober)
AMD after a few drinks...Good night everyone...
after much nagging and pestering, babee finally agreed to go back to melaka with me so that i can atleast bring home 1 of my kids. i walked in to the house, my sweet-pea renee came running to me, she gave me a fat kiss and i returned a fatter one to her. so where was my lil' ezcema boy? i caught a glimpse of him coming down from the stairs and he too clawed on to me like a koala bear, but repeatedly calling "ba babeeiii"...awww...later when Martin came home, reeve ran to the gate and called out "ma tin come back", all laughed as it was such a cute sight for a small fellow like that to call the fiercest man in the house by his name.i noticed some pamperish behaviour, when i scolded reeve for opening and closing the cupboards, he will run to mah-mah, wrapped himself under her hands (literally lifted mah-mah's hand to shelter himself underneath) and then place his face on her lap, then said "ma meeee beat-beat, pain pain"....i didn't even beat him!!! so i walked over to tell him "not to lie reeve", he smiled sleezily and shook his hand meaning "no beat"reeve played so much that he refused to nap, but at 8pm, he konged out, then at 10pm, instead of sleeping throughout he got up to play with me for a solid hour. he was so adorable, he ran about the room, pulling je-je's pants, messing her hair, opening handbag and wearing our cloths. at 11pm, lights out and i slept myself, leaving both the rascals to self-sleep, reeve was on the mattress below, while renee and i was on the bed (babee out to mamak). they both slept within minutes without a single complain. at first, reeve stood up next to my bed, wanting to climb up, so i held on to him on my left and her on my right, he slept with me for like 2 minutes, but still prefers to sleep on his own, so he crawled down to his mattress again. the next day, i held je-je's hands tight, noonelse can stop me from bringing her back...then when i looked at reeve, as if he knew i was leaving, he clang on to me. the sudden urge was there to bring him back too, but just too dangerous to have him at KL house w/o supervision. so i gave him back to mah-mah. i asked "reeve, you want to stay here with poh-poh or go back with mami? he replied "poh-poh" thus i rest my case! for the baba&nyonya, all grandchildren regardsless maternal or paternal, calls their grandparents "ah kong and poh-poh" but for me i differentiate in the blog for your viewing. this explains why, you two calls "ah mi darling and yaya" when you should be calling them "poh-poh and kung kung". its just the direct opposite, so confusing hor?
dearie, dearie, where are you?
babee is going back to melaka today for a short meeting, so iasked if he can just bring you (renee) back. he replied me - saying he may not have time to go over to the house to see you. I exclaimed "what?" here i am missing my babies, dying to see them, there you are so near and you don't go see them!! if only i don't have to work! what crap is that! i don't know if i have over-reacted, but babee turned and said "i am going for work with other people". mami have been missing u two since the day i went to bangkok, i sniff your pillows everynight before going to bed, i call out your names in the shower, i imitate your voices and words you say. i think men will be men, work is always more important to them. i would like to take atleast one of you back this saturday, but again babee said, let my mum see them for a while cannot ah? always with you all...sometimes, i think i am confused. i cannot even provide sufficient love for the both of you, how am i to yearn for one more child and by then how am i to love all 3 equally? according to a.joanne's blog, she spends all her time with re and cuts off completely to shop, gym, party and etc...actually come to think about it, when you two are around, mami leaves at 4.30 from work, return to you, no gym on weekdays, no massage until its necessary and no going out on those days too...even if i were to go shopping, i will make sure i bring either one along and its usually on saturdays with AMD. later, i will go home to exchange for the other to go to the supermarket...so you know now how i tire myself out...hahhaaa but watching your smiles and hearing your laughters - its all worth while!