Tuesday, October 18, 2005

shopping with my son...
reneereeve on October 18, 2005 10:21AM (MYT)

mami came back from work and there you were in kakak's room playing. i cooked you congee, blend it and fed it to you. after congee, you had your orange juice which i had squeezed, then not long after that, you had cookies??? (kakak gave) - why do you eat so much baby?
i bathed you and as i was about to bath je-je, she ran away and refused to let me take off her clothes. i warned her, if she does not take her shower, she wll not be able to go shopping with us...she did not listen even after several attempts to drag her in. kakak tried, babee tried but she was just purely stuborn (like me...ahaha)
i dressed you in a pair of red Diesel pants and teamed it with a white T. kakak kept kissing your cheek, she said you look so handsome in red. then babee said your pants look familiar, is it the same pair as the one i bought for Rayern from BKK? ya lor...same, but one thing different is i bought yours last july in Phuket (before u were even born) and RE's is this year, when he was 9mths old. i somehow could figure how handsome my son would look in this red pants...
we went to MV (w/o je-je, coz she did not take her shower) to buy some toiletries, babee was at MPH and mami was in Watson's with you. you sat in your pram, you touched everything that we passed. you pulled the soft toys out of the racks and wanted to chew on them...so funny!
i pushed you to the cosmetic alley, as i was searching for my toner, cleansing gel, i turned to look at you, you were busy choosing yours too. the promoters was around you touching your face and playing with you. somehow i recalled a.AM's passage yesterday about RE "kau" looi...this scene was similar to that. you smiled to those aunty promoters, you held their hands, gave them what you were holding and opened your arms inviting them to carry you...so "hau" la...
the Eucerin sales promoter kept saying that you are so cute but unfortunately your skin was rough so she gave you not 1, not 2, not 3 bottles of free samples, but "20" bottles of samples and asked if i wanted more? i said no, it was too many and i thanked her...you waived them goodbye, gave a big "si lai sat sau hum sup" smile...and left.

mami parked you at ZARA while i shopped, the gals there came to accompany you too. later we approched to a gift shop because mami may still want to make your invites...you pointed at the blinking lights in there, you "woohhh...wughhghh" hoping that i will pluck it for you...dream on....
we passed some machine operated coin cars, you pointed at them and again ohohoho ahahaha...you are too small boy!

lastly we got our car from the jockey and there again they offer to carry you...hehehehe...
shopping with my son has so much of priviledges...

went home to drop you off, but picked up je-je to go buy "char siew pau" for supper. je-je got in to the car and first thing she said to me was -
Renee: "mami angry renee dont want to take shower ah?"
mami: "yes, that is why you cannot go kai-kai lo"
Renee: "next time i take shower, mami bring me ok"
mami: "now you shower already, so can go to buy char siew pau lo"
Renee and mami:hehehe...kekekeke...
reached home from buying supper at 10pm, let you two played in the room. one rolled on top of the other and both laughed..one watched barney and the other dozed off after a few spins without any patting...


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